Wednesday 13 July 2022

257. Knees bend, arms stretch…and YEAH!!!!!


Today I participated in a pilot online exercise class set up by Look Good Feel Better. Here’s our instructor (I’ve ‘disguised’ her as I don’t have permission for the photo). Now, to me, this is a picture of an exercise zealot, absolutely ruthless - and at the end of the 30 minute session I felt that I’d been through the mill.

The exercise demon
So, what did we do? Most was done sitting on a chair, for a start! All it involved was constant movement and stretches, set to 1950s rock’n’ roll.  Nothing that the average cancer patient would find demanding and I can imagine feedback may include requests that it’s stepped up a bit. I was fine doing the stuff sitting on the chair but then we had to stand up and use the back of the chair for support. Unfortunately I’d placed it on a folded rug (folded to preserve it from Del’s claws - what a waste of money). It wobbled, I wobbled. I even tripped ! At the end though, I was quite proud that I’d stuck with it to the end, especially as the first couple of exercises triggered my bowels and I was perilously close to dashing to the loo! I worked through it, thank god. So now it’s…will I join in regularly? I’d prefer something once a week so I had a routine because I am dreadful when it comes to exercise. The laziest cow you’ll ever find lol.

I got a call today from Radiology later on. I have my MRI booked for 29th but had heard nothing about the CT scan. Anyway, they have a cancellation tomorrow at the civilised time of 11.30 and the lovely Lisa (she who does not live next door any more) is taking me. So now I have to convince Dennis that I’ll need to take my medication earlier, just for once, as I can’t eat for 3 hours before a scan. That’s going to be a challenge for him. Change of routine and Dennis don’t mix.

Apart from that, it’s been watch this space, except there is no space because our PM doesn’t have the humility to look at what people really think of him and do the decent thing. Does he really think he can hold on till September? Last week I was sickened by the lack of contrition, self-awareness, the horrific sense of entitlement… I could go on. Personally I don’t think much of any of the candidates but I guess I’m Team Sunak - better the devil you know? But he’s already stood up to a lot of Tory MPs, holding his ground on taxation, so I can’t see him uniting the party. I could see him being a dignified leader though and maybe for now, that’s what I’d like to see. Johnson has shamed himself, his position, his country. If you’ve ever had the misfortune to read his biography of Churchill, his ambition to be the next Churchill creeps through every chapter. Ugh. Fortunately he’s failed. And I was delighted to see Javid fall at the first hurdle - I can’t forgive him for ruining my privacy and peace of mind. Sitting in the garden is shit now. Noise, noise and more noise - and of course I’m a sensitive little soul nowadays. I find ambient noise impossible to cope with nowadays. Do I blame chemo or age.

Speaking of which, Happy Birthday tomorrow Lesley. I’m guessing I owe you an email - I owe so many!! And the day brings the best news possible for me : The Guardian has reported that NICE has done an about-turn and is now endorsing Trodelvy for use in NHS England and Wales. 

I heard via a WhatsApp group while awaiting my CT scan and I had tears in my eyes. How someone can be overjoyed at the prospect of their veins being pumped with a poison that will strip them of all hair (except leg hair, I bet), make them feel they can barely get off the floor at times…it defeats me. Maybe it’s the jot of hope that it will provide an extra year or so to add on the calendar. And, hopefully I’m not ready for it yet! We’ll drag out the Cape as long as possible as I almost feel myself at times.

CT scan went well, though I asked if they’d put the contrast dye in a bit more slowly, just to see what difference it made. There wasn’t that rush that pressures your bladder so you think you’ve peed yourself but it prolonged the bit I hate - the heat in my throat went on and on. Thank god I was lorazepamed! Just a small bruise on my hand - for now!
The chamber

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