Wednesday 8 April 2020

173. Our changing world #2

In no particular order:

Bramhope has set up a support network in response to this crisis (where I found my prescription collector). Someone posted, asking for the stats for Bramhope. I replied that, personally, I wouldn't want that. I am fine with Leeds or even NW Leeds stats but anything more specific could lead to problems. There are so few cases, it would be easy for some idiot to make the connections, say something inappropriate and end up vilifying an individual for starting the Bramhope Epidemic. Her reply was that she didn’t think people in Bramhope would ever behave like that. Heaven spare me from such vacuous thinking. I remember my dad telling me not to have anything to do with a woman down the road because... I can’t even recall the because but I remember being wary of the house and frightened of the occupier because I was only 7! Well, now I’m reassured: Bramhope people are elevated above normal human behaviour!

This is the support network I really felt should be in place when I was struggling last year. I was never without support but there were times when I needed something small doing locally - something from the pharmacy or the butcher for instance - and there was no one to ask. You can’t ask people to come a distance for a 5-minute task and my neighbour had done enough or was away on holiday. It brings a national crisis to get people to pull together and it maddens me that I can’t help except to donate to the local charity.

Yesterday I read outside in the glorious sunshine, despite the wind. The building site is now out of view but it was busy. And noisy. The compactor was on non-stop, creating an incessant rumble beneath me, JCBs travelled as much in reverse as they did going forward. Please, why can’t they just turn round like a car instead of driving backwards??  I know the answer btw but that warning beep is endless. It’s like being back in hospital with the drip constantly bleeping for attention. Anyway, a helicopter circled a couple of times and vanished (yes, we don't get that kind of thing in Bramhope either ;) ). Two hours later, a disembodied voice echoed through a megaphone across the site: “Please leave this site immediately. You are in contravention of emergency regulation whatever. If you have authorisation, please present this. If you do not, please vacate the site immediately.” Silence within 10 minutes. If I’d known that’s all that’s needed, I’d have ordered a megaphone months ago.

Today I read in the garden. It was much hotter and I need to move the lounger under the tree. It’s quite cumbersome and the lawn is very uneven with moss. That’s my excuse.  Managed halfway, then I think maybe a leg caught in a tuft and that was it. I fell. I fell flat on my bum like Lottie Barker. Thank you moss for softening my fall but I hurt my good arm, jarring it. It was a real toddler fall but I had to roll over to my knees to be able to get up. Omg, I’m becoming a risk to myself lol. Stop that woman getting on that seat to peer nosily over the screen to the building site!

I spoke to my GP again yesterday about the aches and pains. All my tests have been clear so it does seem like they may stem from the zometa infusion. So? “Have you tried paracetamol?” Hmmm. Actually I’ve never found it helped with anything - hopeless against period pains, hopeless against headaches - so what it would do with this condition, which really needs a minor miracle now? Now, I am noted for being a wuss when it comes to tablets so I have to chop 1 paracetamol into 4 pieces. Tonight I took 13 tablets lol.

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