Friday 8 January 2021

214. All clear

No All-clear sirens, in fact, no appointment as it’s snowing heavily. I notice the Met Office has changed its single snowflake and a raindrop to a double flake - a bit late for me! I rang to postpone as the main road traffic was crawling and a doctor rang back within 20 minutes. He then proceeded to go through all my effing medical history till I wanted to scream ‘Look mate, I was there. Just say yes or no.’ Eventually he said that there’s no evidence of cancer in my neck lymph node, to keep and eye on it and see my GP if it gets any bigger. I pointed out that it’s easier to see an oncologist than a GP and he said several people had pointed that out.

My eyelid is also not cancerous but there is “an indeterminate mass” which apparently showed up on the last scan, a year ago - but nobody thought to mention it. Hmm. Now of course it requires biopsies and treatment, followed by corrective surgery. I wonder if they have an ageing chart and correct it to match the other baggy lid or if they go for a tight job. I already look ridiculous. Could I look any worse? Maybe I’ll have to swallow my pride afterwards and opt for a single eye-lift to match my NHS one.

Dennis is delighted, though he can’t stop asking me about my eye. I think the word ‘mass’ disturbs him. I just feel vindicated but my anxious tummy obviously hasn’t taken in the news because it’s still anxious. Now I just have Monday to look forward to. I don’t need my bloods doing after all as they have the results from December and the oncologist said it was close enough to the 4 weeks and the results were good enough. So, a quick treatment Monday and that’s me sorted for another 6 months.

Though I will be traipsing back and forth for eye thingies.

Anyway, I thought I’d let you know. I know I owe several emails but I’ve had stuff on my mind xx

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