Saturday 30 January 2021

217. Q, Queue, Queuing...

Is it weird of me to feel excited? I had the Astra Zeneca jab today and I expected to burst into tears - every damn’ thing I read about vaccination in the paper chokes me up so I thought I might. As it happened, it was all so thoroughly organised, almost literally step by step, that there was no time but for listening to what the nurse said and saying thank you.

When I got the call yesterday, I just felt utterly thrilled - I hadn’t been forgotten! I mentioned Dennis but the receptionist said she had to follow the lists she had and CEVs had priority over 70-75 year olds apparently. Five minutes later, a different person asked for D and so I was 11am and he was 11.02am. We both had expectations after the flu jab - an empty car park, speak to a marshall and straight in. No chance. The queue was possibly a third of a mile (a LONG distance for me), obviously because of the social distancing. I wonder if you’d get the same blind obedience in any other country? Once we were allowed inside, we had to move onto crosses taped to the carpet and everyone did.

It’s not even making it safer for me to go to the hospital on Monday - three weeks before immunity kicks in and no idea when the follow-up will be - 3-12 weeks, which feels like a long wait but it’s nothing compared to the actual pandemic. I think that’s why my emotions are all over the place. It’s not so much that I’ll have greater freedom at long long last. It’s more the cumulative effect for the country. Maybe life can get back to something like normality and we can socialise freely without fear of putting others at risk or others putting us at risk unwittingly.

When we got home, the lock broke so we had to sit in the car for 25 minutes, waiting for a locksmith who changed the Yale. He wore no mask, had no protective gear and of course went into the house and we, daft idiots, stayed shivering in the garage. Suddenly it struck us simultaneously - we could be indoors. But the locksmith didn’t make much of an effort to give us space so, even though I felt embarrassed and maybe ashamed, I got out the Dettol wipes and cleaned down the door and handles and everything he touched. I am so glad he’d gone. I kept on my mask and left the door open for a while. Was that excessive? I don’t know. He’s he first person to have been in our house in almost a YEAR!! But we didn’t know where he’d been and he didn’t inspire confidence that he was meticulously observing the advice!

So I have a slightly sore upper arm and I’m fatigued (but that’s not new). Next is the Ocularplastic appointment Monday 9.20. I have no idea what will happen there but, if it involves going in for a procedure, I’ll wait till vaccination #2.

Apologies for the uninspiring photos but remember, I haven’t seen so many people for almost a year!!

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