Friday 31 January 2020

158. Confused

Just a quickie.

Today I took D for his counselling session (nowhere to park, yet again. It’s hard walking any distance when anastrozole is making every bone and every tendon in both feet yelp). The wait got off to a good start when I found that the acupuncturist had been stood up and so she was available for a chat. Even better when she looked at her diary after chatting to me and offered me four consecutive sessions in March AND put in an ear seed for the next few days.

The problem arose when a couple walked in and I recognised them. One is a former colleague and ‘friend’ - the sort you bump into and say we really must meet up for a coffee and then don't get round to it. She’s got breast cancer and is having her second chemo next week so they were at the centre looking for the kind of support they can get.

We had a short chat but it was obvious that, just like me, she wanted to be left alone. It was also obvious that, although she got through her first chemo well, she’s still terrified. When I joked about the EC treatment, she stopped me, more or less saying she didn't want to hear anything that was going to frighten her more. I just told her to get in touch when she was ready.

I feel really upset. I was close to tears earlier, finding out that someone I knew and considered a friend has breast cancer. Maybe because I can’t help. I know how to help and what would help but I also know that each person has to control their own way through all this.

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