Tuesday 17 March 2020

167. Sigh...

Well, I have had two of the six injections of vitamin B12 I require. PLEASE let this resolve my aches and pains because it’s really bugging me and denting my pride as I shuffle around. Injection #1 left a neat circular bruise and made me feel rather poorly for a day or so. Injection #2, three days later than it should have been but they had no spare appointments (!), is freshly stinging away. Unfortunately these injections sting but, quite honestly, it’s nothing after chemo. I’m having a light meal in case I feel unwell again but maybe it’s just the first that makes you unwell. I hope so. Unsurprisingly, the nurse now has spare appointments so I shall manage to get them all into a fortnight and one day (instructions were ‘alternate days, within a fortnight.’ It’s near enough). I’m told by those who’ve had this boost that it makes you feel 20 years younger. Bring it on...

Meantime, I’ve struggled with knee supports and done more Amazon returns in a few weeks than I’ve done in 10 years. I decided to get the knee supports to match my foot supports (Avidda) as I don’t react badly to them. They still had the latex/silicone grip so I tried one inside out... Yep, another excruciating reaction, more antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream and trying desperately not to scratch. But they help so much. I’m not giving up, even if I have to wear them inside out and over my bloody trousers!! Well, it’s not like I’ll be going anywhere, the way things are looking. Even the GP is only doing phone consultations now. My poor friend has a tooth problem. Dentistry is not something that can be done at a distance.

Today I did an online survey for Bradford University which is exploring the idea of a home-based diagnostic test for breast cancer. https://bradford.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/breast-health-screening-uk
Anyone can do it and it’s anonymous. But, never having breast-fed, I didn’t even know it is possible to produce nipple fluid. You’d think after all I’ve been through that I’d be hardier but I can tell you I am currently cringeing at the mere thought. I react the same when people on the Breast Cancer Now forums discuss their experiences of radiotherapy on a reconstructed breast or a partial breast following a partial mastectomy. my whole body tightens up in horror and I thank heavens for having the whole lot off. Long live the Nefertiti Club.
There IS just this one bust - beautiful, not boring. Look at that neck. Bet she didn’t wear knee supports!
My writing course in Harrogate has been cancelled/postponed, which is disappointing, but I’ve been short-listed for the March Micro-fiction competition at Retreat West. I feel quite chuffed. If you’re interested, there are 10 pieces, each 100 words long, inspired by the picture . I think you need to register to vote (otherwise someone might just keep voting for themselves) but you don’t have to be a writer to register. For me, there is one outstanding piece that will win and it’s not mine but, in case anyone reading this goes to look and votes, I won’t say which is mine till after the winner is announced Sunday/Monday. https://www.retreatwest.co.uk/march-2020-micro-fiction-shortlist/

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