Tuesday 31 March 2020

171. Our changing world #1

Well, it’s a sad comment on my life that my whole day has brightened just because I’ve secured a Sainsbury’s shopping slot. Not just sad, downright tragic. Such are my priorities now. I have this obsession about running out of food. The cupboards are full (ok, mostly chocolate and associated products like chocolate digestives) so I wouldn’t starve would I? But I seem obsessed about bread. It would make more sense if I were obsessing about crusty baked loaves from the Village Bakery (available if I can find someone to go up there for me - I’m saving up my favours though for emergencies and essentials like prescriptions). No, I’m thinking Warburtons’ Toastie, your bog-standard sliced white, only thicker. Maybe I don’t like change. But I couldn’t credit last week when Sainsbury delivered almost everything but no loaf. So this time I’ve booked an afternoon slot and pray the beggars haven’t stripped the shelves before the shopper shops. Presumably last week, they hadn’t yet stacked the shelves as the shopping went through the till before 7am.

I don’t quite get why bread is so important. Two or three slices a day, one sometimes. Maybe it’s because bread is one of my ‘safe’ foods and I feel safer knowing the option is there for some toast if I don’t feel like a meal.

And sold out again
I also managed to get a small upright freezer. It would have been a fraction of the price if Dennis had allowed me to buy it when I first thought it might be a good idea. I could have bought one for around £120, used it for the duration and then left it in the garage or even disposed of it - it’s not much more than a week’s shopping. And it would have been delivered before I was in enforced isolation. But no, Dennis didn’t like the idea of more appliances (huh, he might have thought differently if it were a new CD recorder) and, surprisingly, I do defer to him on occasions. This was a wrong call. Within a week, you couldn’t find a cheap freezer for love or money (great minds seem to think alike). You couldn’t find an expensive one either, unless you want an American-style freezer bigger than your bathroom. Surprisingly, they were still available. So, on my nightly check just in case, how delighted I was to find not only a small freezer but one they would deliver to this area. It was AEG so almost 4 times what I planned spending but I think it’s a necessity now. There will be times when I can’t find a delivery slot and there is no one to get me that loaf of bread so guess what’s going in first!

Of course, we have to resolve the logistics of delivery now. They promise to take away all the packaging (fortunate since there’s no brown bin emptying) and not leave till we are happy with everything. I know freezers have something weird inside that needs removing before you can set it up. You can tell how highly technical I am? So... I’m in isolation. Do I just hide? It undoes Den’s 4 days of increased safety. Does it spread on shoes? They talk about keeping two metres away so if someone coughs, the droplets fall to the ground - do people pick them up on their shoes and tread them everywhere or does the virus magically die as it plummets to the ground? I have no idea and now I am picturing a hallway and kitchen entrance (it’s going near the door) riddled with potential covid-19. I am speaking/writing light-heartedly but there’s a degree of truth in all this. How safe is delivery?

Tomorrow is book group. Everyone is accounted for bar one and I’ve given her plenty of chances. One person needed help because applicants to the Facebook group have to answer a really tough question. It’s called the CH Cake and Book Group, because we meet at Cookridge Hall and members spend the first 15 minutes discussion the merits of this month’s cake (or frequently demerits - they don’t take the scones out of the freezer early enough; some like cream, some don’t; some like chocolate, some don’t; some tuck into carrot cake, I have to pick off all the nuts; and so on...). The said member had no idea what CH stood for. That really made yesterday (little things), it made me laugh aloud at the absurdity of this very intelligent woman probably wracking her brains for ages before asking. Anyway, a small number will discuss the book in Facebook while about 7 or 8 will be Skyping. Good luck with that one - I delegated it. It’s hard enough bringing 12 or 13 women to order once they get off-task around the same table but in their own homes?? It’s gonna be FUN.

I had a lucid moment at 7.28 this morning, so precise because I happened to check the time on my phone (a black, glass-domed watch-face, with 4 diamonds to mark the key points is not easy to read first thing). 7.28??? Yes, I was puzzled too but it seems I can do mornings as I’ve not slept since. Anyway, my latest theory in the ongoing saga of why I am on the NHS hit list is that I was hospitalised with grave immunity problems and developed sepsis last year. Maybe that’s why. I’ll have another theory by tomorrow. Meantime, no annual squeal at the tiny lambs :(

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