Sunday, 13 January 2019

24. What’s happening to me??

I just spent a whole hour browsing through headwear for baldies. Please, anyone who notices, STOP ME from turning into a chemo fashion plate!!!

It seems I am expected to want to wear turbans; things with rosettes attached (they don’t say if you came first or if it’s just for taking part - probably wise); dangly drapy things that look elegant on swan-necked dummies - and bobble hats. Everything accompanied by huge dangly earrings. I like studs. Dangly earrings I want to rip off.



What I have :
Good: a swan neck, oval face
Less good: ageing skin, gravity, bags under my eyes, that bloody spot on my jaw, pale as a bowl of porridge

What I don’t have:
Doe eyes, perfect skin, a permanent smile with glorious teeth to flash
The desire to shout LOOK AT ME.

I am 67 and I have breast cancer. I am undergoing chemotherapy and catching my hair as it slides out by the handful. I am not going to feel any more positive or glamorous by being presented with models glowing with youthful energy, heavy makeup and, beneath that headwear, a full glorious head of hair.

I have to confess I stood in Boots on Thursday next to a woman who looked absolutely stunning: tall, long neck, black scrunched-up headwear and matching black scarf over what was obviously a very very expensive drapy sweater. It’s not a look I could carry off but I take my hat off to her for style! Well, make that ‘my beanie.’

I shall wait till I see something I like and stick with my cashmere beanies for now!

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