Thursday 31 January 2019

34. Celebrations

Monday is chemo 3 of 3 and I feel like it’s way too soon. I’m still knocked out by chemo 2. However, little things I can celebrate :

1. I just detected the faintest taste of chocolate when eating a chocolate covered mini-roll I pinched from Dennis’ supply. It was sufficient to compensate for the crumpet that was just tastesless slime and enough to encourage me to add a bag of Cadbury’s mini-Twirls to the box of snacks I keep to hand.

Could I risk the disappointment though? I think just the comfort of the bag in sight is enough for now.

2. A bowel movement. Sorry, there’s no room for delicacy in this treatment regime. A bowel movement, even with regular senna at night, is no mean achievement and something to be shouted from the rooftops as it means a couple of days’ respite from discomfort. The fact that I could hardly sleep last night for the rectal pain it left is irrelevant. I guess EC strips the layers away everywhere.

3. A day off from the oncology clinic. I had a phone consultation with nurse T today instead and I have to nip to Wharfedale Hospital for my blood tests tomorrow. Of course it’s market day, sigh. If only I knew my way round the side roads but a lot of it’s one-way so I’ll end up squeezing my way very slowly down the Main Street, lined by market stalls, trying not to hit pedestrians and cursing the lights which allow maybe three cars through at a time!

4. Stuart the plumber coming round straight away, locating a corroded pipe instantly and repairing it - Never mind that the kitchen ceiling is a blistered and water-stained disaster area. AND I have more hair than he does (I’m guessing he opts for a No 1) and his dad’s got his 5-year clearance from cancer coming up soon.

Four little celebrations may look a bit pathetic but they’re landmarks for me :)

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