Friday 31 May 2019

94. Gentle braising perhaps?

Three down, 12 to go. To be honest, the best thing is that I get the weekend to actually sleep to a civilised hour like 10am and slowly adjust to the world. This week’s been early and even earlier and I’m shattered. I’ve never been a morning person and to be eating a sausage sandwich at half 9 is unknown! Today, for only the second time in all our years together, my HAC (Human Alarm Clock aka Dennis) got it wrong and he woke me at 8 when I was being picked up at 8.15. Now we know the advantage of a wig!

The neuropathy is worse today - been not too bad the last couple of days but I felt it creeping on last evening and Dennis said he’d spotted it in the afternoon (my mouth changes - incipient trout pout/lisp). The worst thing is the nerve pain - my breast muscle has been screaming out since the radiotherapy and I shouldn’t be feeling anything at this early stage - so I’ve rung the medical centre and asked them to give the GP a nudge. She said on Tuesday she’d get back to me with suggested pain relief rather than co-codamol (which I shan't be taking again) and I’ve heard nothing. It would be good to have a prescription for tomorrow morning at least. I can hope... Oddly, I found by accident that diazepam eases the neuropathy. My mouth swelling goes down and the numb fingers and feet turn to mild tingles but it’s not a solution I want to rely on.

Meantime, the radiotherapy is problem-free and it’s the early stages (gentle braising) before soreness steps in (grilling) and possibly ultra soreness, blisters, scabs (barbecue sizzling). I’m hoping I don’t get to that stage!

It’s cold and miserable outside so I’m knitting away busily. One cardigan is finished now, so just 2 to go and then the girls’ outfits will be finished. The dresses are so cute. Georgia has just been round and chosen a shrug for me to knit her as a thank you for her help. Her pink wig really cheers me up sometimes.

Actually so does the new jumper, even if the noob is a bit obvious. Judicious placing of a scarf resolves that. But it’s really winter clothing weather for me so I’m swapping it for a chunky cosy thing! Ironically, she ended up choosing the one I’d thought I’d like to knit and, despite her appallingly garish taste in clothes, she (without any hints from me) chose to go with the soft grey (silver) cotton yarn. Honest, no pressure, no hints beyond suggesting something might be a bit garish so it could only be worn with something specific, whereas something more neutral could go with anything.

So I’m not knitting a bright pink garment after all, nor a fluffy or bobbly one. Phew! Right, off t cook Tantrum Stew again. Again? Look, it tastes, it’s filling and nutritious - I’m quite happy with again.

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