Thursday 6 June 2019

97. Lose/lose...but ultimately win

First, my chauffeur, around whom almost all my appointments have been moved from early morning (when the hospital tends to be on schedule) has broken her big toe. So it’s been taxis and more taxis. That would be fine if it weren’t for the fact that it’s Eid and so most of the local firms are severely understaffed. Yesterday I had to take the only morning cab booking left - 7.30 for an 8.45 appointment. We were there by 7.55! Poor Lisa, I add hastily. I do admit my first reaction was purely selfish, catastrophising about appointments. Then I started the sympathy for what must be pretty painful.

Anyway, she reckons she’ll be fine to drive for this afternoon’s appointment and I’ve offered her my walking stick so she doesn’t have to stay in the car for ages in that bleak and extremely dull multi-storey car park. She can at least hobble to Costa with Georgia’s help, while I tootle down to the basement and hope they aren’t running too late. So, even tho I’m not using it for my arm exercises right now, the stick proves useful!

Today will be treatment 7, almost halfway. Only the slightest pinkness in places and some definite surface soreness at the lumpy end of my scar. I moisturise and moisturise some more. The real problem is that the radiotherapy is aggravating the rib pain and, when that happens, it is mild agony. It tends to occur in the evening and gets me close to tears as nothing eases it but it wears off eventually. At least it’s not there all the time. Perhaps if I sat in an upright dining chair which offers no slouching opportunities I might avoid it? I’m doing well with the new medication so I’ll ask to increase the dose PLEASE but that’s for the neuropathic pain. The normal pain - huh. The radiographer says it can’t be helped, may get worse as the treatment progresses and will continue to delay the healing (already delayed by the chemotherapy). It’s also likely to continue for several weeks after treatment, as do some of the effects of radiotherapy which I’ve yet to experience. I’m not letting my head go there.

So today Anne is coming across for a visit, with Kathryn and little Lottie, whom I haven’t met as she was born just a couple of weeks before this rubbish started and each time we’ve arranged a visit, either I’ve felt too chemo-poorly or Lottie has had a bug. I fully intend meeting this little one before she has her first birthday!!! We’re off to Bonds to get buttons for the girls’ dresses.

How it was and the new shop.
I much preferred the old shop!!

Hopefully I’ll get a day when my fingertips allow me to wield a needle and thread. Ah, I must remember to buy cotton this time!! Then I will have completed the three sisters’ dresses and one and a bit cardigans. I need to speed up the knitting but I’m a thoughtfree knitter - I just knit while doing other things. I always have. However, this pattern is a bugger. One error and, rows later when it becomes obvious, lots of unpicking. Concentrate woman!!

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