Monday 17 June 2019

99c, The Egg has moved

Having developed a strong appreciation of Cadbury’s Darkmilk, I feel I’m being unfair on Dairy Milk so maybe I might just try some Easter Egg tomorrow to celebrate. I’ve brought it up to perch on my box of snacks (essential if I want to gain weight but not a healthy approach to eating!). It’s enticing.

I’ve just caught myself scratching my chest over my jumper - I’ve an itch, my first real side effect. That’s interesting because it’s a complete match to the location on my back of a red patch that was new today. I was warned that I might notice discomfort on my back because the rays go straight through. What about the poor bits in between?? Apparently, a shadow on the lungs - so I have to alert any radiographer to the fact that I‘ve had radiotherapy to the left chest wall - and an increased risk of angina. Hmm. Better not to know, I think.

Today we were moved to another area again but it was more or less straight in, straight out. The end of treatment session was brief - a lovely radiographer who did my induction too warning me of stuff I already know - no sunbathing, SPF50 every time I go out, sun or no sun - on exposed areas of course; keep moisturising and moisturising again, avoid restrictive clothing... but some pleasing news: the fact that I have no dry patches or burns so far would suggest I’m highly unlikely to suffer more than the mildest side effects in the next 3 weeks while the radiotherapy continues to work in the body. The inquisitive part of me is longing to know how it all works and what changes are effected but common sense prevails and I don’t ask, Ignorance is bliss, so they say.

I had a nice lunch with the tai chi group, all one of them: Maureen who came to pick me up and brought me home again. It was still an enjoyable lunch, probably better without the other Maureen right now, a staunch Boris supporter. We’d be suppressing screams, as we had to when that ridiculous referendum result came through, My eyelash strengthener has arrived

but I’m reluctant to use it after last night when my eyes went sore and my nose turned into a tap half an hour after I’d applied Simple moisturiser for the first time. One for the elbows and feet from now on! But Simple? Who reacts to Simple? Apparently we princesses with our peas. Well, it’s all academic - I can’t get it out of the box lol!

And tomorrow will be my 100th entry (sort of) to coincide with liberation from St James’s. I wonder how I shall feel? Watch this space.

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