Saturday 16 February 2019

44. Something so simple

I’m generally fortunate when it comes to colds. I’m a great believer in zapping a cold with 2000mg vit C for two days and it works. Most of the symptoms don’t develop and I’m left with a mild cold and (invariably) a cold sore in my nose. Don’t even try to imagine the difficulties and the pain of that if I can’t reach it to dab on Zovirax. It takes a minimum of 10 days to clear. Basically though, colds aren’t a problem for me. If it’s psychological, I don’t care. It works for me.

Considering all my health issues relating to mental health, I’d expect me to be a hypochondriac but that’s only tummy-related fear. We didn’t even possess a thermometer till I was instructed to get one in December.

So here’s how it goes. Towards the end of week two of chemo, I’m at my most vulnerable in terms of infection. I have strict instructions as to what to do should I feel ill. I practically had to sign my name in blood, agreeing to follow the instructions. I had horror stories about people who’ve tried to brave it out. Message - don’t!

Yesterday my teeth felt incredibly sore but I attributed it to the sore gums and mouth rather than a first alert that a cold was coming. This morning I woke to a streaming nose, tender neck, sore nose etc. I tried First Defence since nurse T didn’t say no when I asked about it - she just looked a bit disparaging. I wish I’d asked about vit C. Online (yes, I succumbed), there’s contradictory information so do I risk it?  Meantime, my usually low temperature (around 35.6) has crept up steadily to 36.9. That would suggest a mild fever but the magic number is 37.5 - then I have to monitor it and contact the hospital if it reaches 38.

I’m assuming Dennis has picked up a cold (he never gets them but says he feels a bit coldy) and passed it on, despite his rigorous hand-cleaning routine. All I can do is wait and see if the thermometer reading continues to rise. I don’t feel ill or even unwell, rather odd considering the last week, and I find it hard to believe that something so simple would require immediate admission to hospital and a blitz of antibiotics. But they wouldn’t drill it home so frequently if the risk weren’t there so I have to take it seriously. I guess it’s watch this space and cross fingers and toes. Unfazed by breast cancer but felled by a common cold?

Shit, it’s 37.5! I’m going to be glued to the bloody thermometer all evening and procrastinating!

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