Thursday 28 February 2019

52. Never Google

Day 4 and I’ve felt rotten, with my first headache since before all this nonsense started, A possible side effect, it seems. It’s only just gone, despite paracetamol, nurofen (which I shall regret), hypnosis/meditation and sleep.

Yesterday we had another walk - further but a LOT slower. Guess I’m missing those blood cells after all. It was good to be out though and I saw my first crocuses and daffodils, neither of which seem inclined to survive in our garden. However, Bramhope In Bloom always does us proud and they don’t overdo it like the LCC gardeners at Roundhay who excel at crocuses but overdo the daffodils, creating a bilious display that makes me flinch.

So this was my walk yesterday (early days for the flowers):

And this was sent to me by one of my cousins’ daughters, honeymooning in Australia: 

Can life get less fair!! Seriously, I hope Sally-Ann and Sam are having the holiday of a lifetime - she’s earned it.

Anyway, back to Google. I made a conscious decision at the start to google nothing and ask nothing I didn’t really really need to know. It’s stood me in good stead (apart from last weekend). However, today I was curious. Why is my temperature so low all the time? It was 35.3 this morning and 34.7 early evening. I never even possessed a thermometer till I was instructed to get one for chemotherapy and I only check my temperature in the futile hope of reassuring D I’m not at death’s door! I shan’t make that mistake again. Not only am I almost 2 degrees below normal temperature, according to this, I’m a candidate for hypothermia!! As if I don’t have enough problems. Yes, I did feel a bit cold (I should have felt the radiator and turned it on!) so I wrapped up warm, put on a hideous bright blue beanie and a fleecy top and had a bowl of vegetable soup. I’ll check with nurse T tomorrow when we have our phone consultation but I am certain I’m suffering from nothing more than googlitis. 

Now get me to that beach...

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